See my comments in the Chicago Tribune: Rep. Fine co-sponsors bill to reduce LLC fees


Shalom Klein, founder and chairman of Skokie-based Jewish B2B Networking, is an advocate for lowering LLC fees.

“I would put reducing them as very high on a priority list. The fee here in Illinois puts the state in a clear disadvantage with other states,” he said, adding Jewish B2B Networking has 25,000 members in Illinois, mostly in the Chicago area.

Read more in the Chicago Tribune…

This Tuesday: Free job clinic in Northbrook

FREE Employment Clinic
in Northbrook, Feb. 24
Register at
The ARK and Jewish B2B Networking invite all job seekers from the Jewish Northshore/Northwest community to a FREE Employment Clinic: How to Conduct a Productive Job Search: Resumes, Interviewing, and More.
The job search has changed dramatically, and the challenge of knowing how and where to look for employment can be overwhelming. But there are options. This 2-hour interactive session will arm you with different approaches that might just change
your luck.

The clinic will be led by employment professionals, and will take place on Tuesday, February 24 from 6 – 8 p.m. at The ARK Northwest, 3100 Dundee Rd., Suite 802, Northbrook (northeast corner of Dundee and Landwehr, in the Dundee Place Corporate Center).

Job seeker 2

There are no prerequisites regarding income or employment status, and affiliation with JB2B or The ARK is not required.

The session is part of an ongoing series of free clinics that address the obstacles today’s job seekers face, and provide realistic, relevant information that can assist in conducting a more productive job search. Each session is self-contained; job seekers may attend any one or more of the sessions.

For more information, email or call Andrea Storz at 773.681.8964.