Remember this? On the air: Skokie's small business guru hosts radio show

Shalom Klein must have the largest hat rack in all of Skokie considering how many hats he wears in his day-to-day life.
Just when you think he could not possibly fit another one, Klein takes advantage of a new opportunity that he says was too meaningful to pass up.
Not long ago, the Economic Development Commission chairman, Dempster Street Merchants Association co-founder, student, Jewish B2B Networking chairman, jobs adviser and vice-president of Moshe Klein & Associates Ltd. in Skokie added another unlikely role to his arsenal: radio host.
What was not unlikely, though, is that just over a year later, “Get Down To Business With Shalom Klein” on radio’s AM 560 (WIND) seems a big success.
“This was another real opportunity to make a difference with small businesses and to help people looking for employment,” Klein says. “The radio show has extended my reach to people that I otherwise would not have been able to meet and people I otherwise would not be talking to.”
Look more closely at many of those hats Klein wears and they are made of the same thread. Only in his mid-20s, Klein wants to boost small businesses and to help people looking for jobs, to put into practice the advantages of networking, to match small business owners with ideal job seekers.
Chef Laura Frankel joined me on Get Down To Business to discuss dining for success
Podcast of “Get Down To Business with Shalom Klein” – 6/26/2016 – Gary Patterson, Laura Frankel, Michelle Bauman and Mike Hale
An important week ahead for West Rogers Park
Friends and Neighbors,
This week, I wanted to make you aware of several items on the calendar for the remainder of June:
1) This Sunday, June 19th from noon to 2pm will be the grand opening celebration of Magenta Boutique/Bowtique, at 2755 W. Pratt. Owned by Yaffa Crandall and Shaynie Landa, Magenta is selling a full line of womens, teens and kids wear and accessories. Come to enjoy the refreshments and the children’s entertainment, and to show your support for the relocation of these previously home-based businesses.
2) The Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park Annual Meeting will take place this upcoming Monday, June 20, 2016 at 7:30PM at the Bernard Horwich Center (3003 W Touhy). This will be an open meeting of our board at which time we will review our 2015/2016 accomplishments and discuss ways to further advance our work for the betterment of West Rogers Park for 2016/17. The key to our success as an organization is to give voice to our broad-based constituency for the betterment of our entire community. We urge you to join us at this session. Your input will be invaluable.
3) Thanks to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and Alderman Debra Silverstein, JCCWRP was able to bring a cross-section of the community to the table last year to address the abandoned property owned by the MWRD at the southeast corner of Devon and McCormick. With the cooperation of the Alderman, it was agreed that the crumbling and abandoned 3 ½ acre parking lot that had been located there would be transformed into a new park. Now Alderman Silverstein is inviting the community to her 50th Ward office (2949 W Devon) on June 27, 6:30 PM to provide input as the Chicago Park District engages in the planning and layout of the park. We encourage everyone to attend and in so doing help to shape this main western gateway to WRP.
Finally, if you have a family member or neighbor who is not yet receiving our email updates, please let me know via email so that I can add them to our weekly distribution.
Hope to see you in West Rogers Park next week!
Shabbat Shalom,
Shalom Klein
on behalf of the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park