Victor Lagroon joined Robert Lewis and Shalom Klein for the thirteenth episode of #WeAllServe.
Interviewing Clinic with Andrea Storz
#WeAllServe – Episode #10 with Bridget Altenburg
Bridget Altenburg joins Robert Lewis and Shalom Klein on the tenth episode of #WeAllServe.
Andrea Storz of The ARK and I had a great LIVE chat about how to interview successfully on Zoom!
My post on serving as a “Proud Jew, Proud American, Proud Soldier” was included in the Jewish American Warrior magazine of the Aleph Institute
Podcast of “Get Down To Business” – 09/06/2020 – Dena Hirschberg, Bill Bloom and Irina Freeman
#WeAllServe – Episode #12 with Angel Torres
Angel Torres joined Robert Lewis and Shalom Klein for the twelth episode of #WeAllServe.
Podcast of “Get Down To Business” – 08/30/2020 – Howard Chaim Suss, Sherry Quam Taylor, Merary Simeon and Ross Gordon
#WeAllServe – Episode #10 with Steve Donofrio
Steve Donofrio joins Robert Lewis and Shalom Klein for the tenth episode of #WeAllServe.
Networking Clinic with Andrea Storz and Shalom Klein
Join this LIVE discussion about how to network successfully with Andrea Storz and Shalom Klein.