Remember this? On the air: Skokie's small business guru hosts radio show

Skokie resident Shalom Klein, a small business mover and shaker in the village, has added radio host to his list of titles.
Skokie resident Shalom Klein, a small business mover and shaker in the village, has added radio host to his list of titles.

Shalom Klein must have the largest hat rack in all of Skokie considering how many hats he wears in his day-to-day life.

Just when you think he could not possibly fit another one, Klein takes advantage of a new opportunity that he says was too meaningful to pass up.

Not long ago, the Economic Development Commission chairman, Dempster Street Merchants Association co-founder, student, Jewish B2B Networking chairman, jobs adviser and vice-president of Moshe Klein & Associates Ltd. in Skokie added another unlikely role to his arsenal: radio host.

What was not unlikely, though, is that just over a year later, “Get Down To Business With Shalom Klein” on radio’s AM 560 (WIND) seems a big success.

“This was another real opportunity to make a difference with small businesses and to help people looking for employment,” Klein says. “The radio show has extended my reach to people that I otherwise would not have been able to meet and people I otherwise would not be talking to.”

Look more closely at many of those hats Klein wears and they are made of the same thread. Only in his mid-20s, Klein wants to boost small businesses and to help people looking for jobs, to put into practice the advantages of networking, to match small business owners with ideal job seekers.

Podcast of “Get Down To Business with Shalom Klein” – 6/28/2015 – with Daniella Levitt, John Winzler, Dan Proft and Matt Sloan



Our guests can be reached at:

Daniella Levitt – – Ready. Set… Risk!

John Winzler – – Winzler Gear

Dan Proft – – Chicago’s Morning Answer

Matt Sloan – – American Chartered Bank



Podcast of “Get Down To Business with Shalom Klein” – 6/21/2015 – with Leslie Kahn, LeRoy G. Hagenbuch, Danette Swank, Trustee Michele Bromberg and Wendy Katz



Our guests can be reached at:

Leslie Kahn – – Knead A Laugh

LeRoy G. Hagenbuch and Danette Swank – – Philippi Hagenbuch

Michele Bromberg – – Village of Skokie

Wndy Katz – – Tandem HR

From last week's Skokie Review – On the air: Skokie's small business guru hosts radio show



Shalom Klein must have the largest hat rack in all of Skokie considering how many hats he wears in his day-to-day life.

Just when you think he could not possibly fit another one, Klein takes advantage of a new opportunity that he says was too meaningful to pass up.

Not long ago, the Economic Development Commission chairman, Dempster Street Merchants Association co-founder, student, Jewish B2B Networking chairman, jobs adviser and vice-president of Moshe Klein & Associates Ltd. in Skokie added another unlikely role to his arsenal: radio host.

What was not unlikely, though, is that just over a year later, “Get Down To Business With Shalom Klein” on radio’s AM 560 (WIND) seems a big success.

Read more at:

Podcast of “Get Down To Business with Shalom Klein” – 7/6/2014 – with guests Chris Everett, Helen Bloch, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and Gail Schechter of Open Communities

Jan Schakowsky

Shalom Klein

Skokie Review: Skokie small business guru becomes radio show host

Shalom KleinSKOKIE — If there is a way to reach more people with his tireless advocacy for small businesses and those looking for jobs, you knew Skokie resident Shalom Klein would find it.

That’s the same Shalom Klein who stages “The Business Event” every year, drawing thousands of businesses and leaders including elected officials, associated agencies and job seekers together under one roof; the same Shalom Klein who helped develop the Dempster Street Merchants Association in Skokie; the same Shalom Klein who chairs the village’s first Economic Development Commission.

And now it is Shalom Klein, the radio host.

Klein has signed on with AM 560 WIND to host “Get Down To Business with Shalom Klein,” which airs weekly at 6 p.m. on Sundays. The first show was scheduled for April 20.

Although Klein has become a networking business guru of sorts, this was one of those rare opportunities that took him by surprise. He was at WIND for other reasons, he said, when the suggestion for a radio show was presented to him. He immediately was intrigued.

“I’m no stranger to the microphone,” Klein said, “so this seems like a great opportunity to reach more people. I’m very excited about it, and I sure didn’t know the opportunity was coming.”

Perhaps the opportunity is a great example of just what Klein believes in when it comes to small businesses and those looking for work. By assertively networking, staying on top of follow-up calls and emails, keeping one’s name out there, opportunities can unexpectedly surface — perhaps seemingly from nowhere, but in reality from anywhere.

WIND describes Klein as “a frequent speaker on small business and jobs, an avid networker, dedicated entrepreneur and experienced community organizer.”