The ARK / Jewish B2B Networking – Chicago Employment Clinic

The ARKDate: May 21, 2014 from 7 to 9pm
Address: 6450 N California Ave. Chicago, IL 60645

The ARK and Jewish Business to Business (JB2B) invite all job seekers from the Jewish Chicago communities to a free employment clinic on how to shine during the interview process.

Learn how to answer effectively even the most difficult or uncomfortable questions during an interview. Knowing how to respond with confidence and showing you’re the right fit for the position are the keys to receiving the offer.

There are no prerequisites regarding income or employment status, and affiliation with The ARK or JB2B is not required. Registration is limited to 20 participants.

The session is part of an ongoing series of quarterly free clinics that address the obstacles today’s job seekers face, and provide realistic, relevant information that can assist in conducting a more productive job search. Each session is self-contained; job seekers may attend any one or more of the sessions.

Future topics will include:

·        Age discrimination

·        What it takes to conduct a productive job search

·        LinkedIn (and other social media)

·        How to dress on a budget

·        Networking

For more information, call or email Rhonda Levy at 773.973.0011.

Date: May 21, 2014 from 7 to 9pm
Address: 6450 N California Ave. Chicago, IL 60645