Moving Our Agenda Forward

Friends and Board Members,

Since re-launching in late 2013, the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park has taken on many priorities. While we try to use these weekly emails as a platform to update our key stakeholders on our work, there is so much more that is taking place behind the scenes. Our top priorities have been and remain business development and advocacy. This week was a great example of how we move those items forward on a daily basis.

On Monday of this week, Tony Martinez of the Chicago Community Trust, a resident of our area and a member of our advocacy committee chaired a meeting attended by key leaders in the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park, the West Ridge Chamber of Commerce and the West Rogers Park Community Organization. The agenda was discussing a path forward regarding organizing for improvements to the NorthTown branch of the Chicago Public Library. Each attendee took on several key next steps which involve petitions, social media, and meetings with officials. If you would like to be included in this conversation, please let me know so we can keep you informed on next steps.

You have likely seen the final touches to the first phase of the streetscape on Devon Avenue. The improvements are major and the credit for that is owed to Alderman Debra Silverstein. Now we have to leverage those positive developments and attract businesses to all of our major commercial areas in West Rogers Park. To that end, Howard Rieger and I have been discussing the possibility of adding a part-time position to our organization and hiring a business outreach assistant to support my work in bringing commerce and small businesses to our thoroughfares.  Several candidates have been recommended and we are looking for additional resumes to review (draft job description is available here). Your suggestions for candidates would be very much appreciated.

As always, I look forward to your feedback and welcome the opportunity to meet to review our progress.

Thank you,