SketchPad draws up to the future: Creating a new shared workspace for Jewish organizations

Irene Sandalow became convinced that working out of her home was no longer-working. But she is an organizer, so her second thought was: “I bet I’m not the only one with this problem.”

The solution? SketchPad. While this shared workspace for the Jewish nonprofit community in Chicago will reduce overhead costs, SketchPad is also designed to become an intellectual, cultural, spiritual, and socially conscious hub, promoting collaboration and providing an appealing space open to the public.

Sandalow’s brainstorm struck in 2015, and this May, SketchPad officially signed its lease. The facility encompasses 5,500 square feet, and is located at 4700 N. Ravenswood, near both the CTA Brown Line and a Metra station. “It’s a shared office and program space, with meeting rooms and a kitchen,” Sandalow explained. “There will also be professional learning and training opportunities” for all participants.

Its founders hit upon the name “SketchPad” to evoke their vision of a laboratory for innovation, experimentation, and creative outputs. The act of sketching is fundamental, tentative, and exploratory, they decided, representing the innovative mindset and culture they envision for this space.

SketchPad offers the amenities of a traditional shared workspace, while also serving the specific needs of Chicago’s Jewish nonprofit community, like a beit midrash – a Jewish study space with a library.

Three organizations anchored the project: The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA), which combats poverty, racism, and anti-Semitism; Kahal, which connects American Jewish students to world Jewry; and Avodah Chicago, which supports social change through tomorrow’s Jewish leaders.

“SketchPad presents a unique opportunity for us to build stronger and more holistic joint programming, making the Jewish community broader, more cohesive, and more effective in our combined efforts to create change,” said Judy Levey, executive director of JCUA.

“What makes these spaces unique and revolutionary is not the space-sharing; anyone can get together to save a few bucks,” agreed Kahal’s executive director, Alex Jakubowski, who has visited other Jewish shared spaces, particularly in Europe. “What is truly amazing is the collaboration between organizations and movements that no one ever dreamed was possible. There are countless examples of collaborations arising from sharing a lunch together, attending a program, or just bumping into one another at the copier.”

“Intentional, Jewish, innovative collaboration is the future of Jewish social justice,” said Leah Greenblum, Chicago community director for Avodah. “We must work together to build bridges and support one another’s work for a common cause. We are proud to be coming together with like-minded organizations to create something truly unique in Chicago. SketchPad will undoubtedly shape our collective Jewish future, and we’re really excited to be a piece in this supportive puzzle.”

SketchPad’s other partners include: UpStart, which partners with innovators to redesign the experience and expression of Jewish life; the Orot Center for New Jewish Learning; InterfaithFamily/Chicago; and SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva. Newer additions are the American Jewish World Service, a community of Jewish global citizens committed to repairing the world, and The Workmen’s Circle, focused on building Jewish communities and improving the world through activism. Other partners are signing on to partner with SketchPad in the future.

SketchPad is supported by a JUF Breakthrough Fund grant, the Crown Family Philanthropies, the Jack Miller Family Foundation, former JUF Board chairs Bill Silverstein and Midge Perlman Shafton, Gregory Rothman, and an anonymous donor.

For more information, contact Irene Lehrer Sandalow, SketchPad Project Director, at (312) 659-7466 or, or visit

Eater Chicago: A New Baseball-Focused Kosher Deli Will Open Soon Near Wrigley Field

Since 2013, Milt’s Barbecue For The Perplexed has given Chicagoans a popular option for kosher barbecue in Lakeview. However, Jews observing that set of religious dietary laws may want more than brisket and beef ribs. That’s why on Monday, Oct. 16 Milt’s plans to open Milt’s Extra Innings, a certified kosher deli next door to the barbecue restaurant at 3409 N. Broadway St. The space lets owner Jeff Aeder showcase his love for baseball and help those with special needs.

“One can’t live on barbecue alone,” said Aeder. Hence, his new spot will serve sandwiches, salads, and plenty of to-go options including take-home boxed meals.

Milt’s still keeps busy with its catering events and a food truck. Aeder is happy with business, but he still wants to show Chicago more than barbecue. Extra Innings customers will pick a style — like roasted roast beef with horseradish and caramelized onions — and again choose how they’ll enjoy the recipe, in either sandwich, wrap, or salad form.

Milt’s staff has kicked around the idea of expanding for almost four years. When Vietnamese restaurant BB Bun Mi’s lease was about to expire, they finally pounced this spring. They’ll cure their own meats, and Extra Innings will sell them in vacuum-sealed pouches for quick carry outs.

“We struggled to branch away from barbecue,” said front of house manager Eric Colón. “But we figured this was they way to do it.”

Aeder and chef Bryan Gryka are big Cubs fans and the restaurant is a short distance east of Wrigley Field. But Extra Innings isn’t a sports bar — it won’t serve alcohol and won’t stay open in the evenings. But it will show Cubs day games and other Chicago sporting events on TV. Anyone who’s walked around the original barbecue will notice the quirky baseball artifacts at the restaurant, as Aeder celebrates the select group of Jews who have played Major League Baseball, a group that includes Detroit’s Hank Greenburg and the Dodgers’ Sandy Koufax. Aeder is also the commissioner of the Jewish Baseball Museum. The new restaurant gives him a space to display more of his massive collection of Jewish baseball memorabilia. The space will also feature a mural timeline tracking the history of Jews in the sport from 1860 until today. The timeline will also include updates on current players.

Milt’s donates all its profits to charity, sending money to faith-based groups including Friedman Place and the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago. Extra Innings also has a charity in mind: Keshet GADOL Chicago. Keshet helps people with disabilities like Zahava Auerbach, Aeder’s 21-year-old niece. Gryka pitched the charity angle to Aeder, as he knew that Extra Innings is more a community spot rather than a money maker.

Extra Innings plans to hire some workers with special needs, hoping to give them real-world work experience and to prepare them for future employment. Auerbach was their first hire and will start out by greeting customers as a host.

“It will be great to educate the customer as they walk in,” said Josh Weisel, Extra Inning’s kitchen manager.

Next week’s opening day has an admission charge with speakers and a tasting. Meanwhile, Milt’s wants to ensure people know the restaurants aren’t just for Jews; management hires and serves people from all walks of life. Hopefully, the Cubs will be around for more playoff games when Milt’s Extra Innings opens next week.