Mayor George Van Dusen proclaimed Jan. 6 Eddy “The Chief” Clearwater Day in Skokie where he lived for about 25 years
Run for the Zoo fundraiser for Lincoln Park Zoo!
Excited for Keshet’s concert with Roger Hodgson of SuperTramp
Joined Ram Villivalam for a tour of Veitzener Cheder and Cheder Lubavitch
Join me on a once in a lifetime trip to India this Fall!
Join us on a once in a lifetime trip to India this Fall!
Dive into the complex contours of a nation rich with historical influence, a fascinating political history, and make memories to last a lifetime! Gain exclusive access to sites and discussions in Delhi, Mumbai, and Kochi!
$199 deposit to secure your spot due July 17 at:
Save The Date: Greater Chicago Jewish Festival
Skokie celebrated its diversity of cultures at annual festival
Read more:
West Rogers Park Celebrates Israel @ 70!
Seventy years ago on Iyar 14, 5708 / May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was created with the signing of its Declaration of Independence.
To mark “Israel @ 70”, the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago sponsored events across the Chicagoland area, including a partnership with JCCWRP, JCC Chicago and the Associated Talmud Torahs in West Rogers Park.
The afternoon was packed with family fun which included a main stage concert by Israeli singing star Gad Elbaz, Israel themed activities and crafts, kosher food, giveaways and more.
Due to inclement weather forecasts, the event was moved indoors, but that did not limit the fun or crowds! Over 500 attendees packed the Bernard Norwich JCC and a great time was had by all.
It is thanks to the advocacy work of JCCWRP, that initiatives of this kind are brought to our neighborhood. In the past, many synagogues, schools and organizations have planned individual programs, but we felt it important that there be a large concert and celebration befitting this milestone and its significance.
Future celebrations for Israel @ 70 are being planned in coordination with the Consulate of Israel, and we look forward to sharing information as they are finalized.
If you have photos from Sunday’s event, please share them on Twitter or Facebook by tagging @GoWRP!