Thanks to Justin Breen for meeting and helping spread the word about the reward to apprehend the murderer of Eliyahu Moscowitz

A total of $10,000 in reward money is being offered by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago to aid the search for the killer or killers of two men in Rogers Park this week.

“These murderous attacks are reverberating throughout the Jewish, LGBTQ and the broader communities,” JUF/Federation President Steven B. Nasatir said, “and we are determined to do whatever we can to aid the community as well as law enforcement’s efforts to apprehend whoever is responsible.”

The reward, established in consultation with Chicago Police, was announced Thursday evening at a community safety meeting convened by 50th Ward Ald. Debra Silverstein, CAPS and the 24th District Community Policing Office, and held at the Bernard Horwich Jewish Community Center.

The JUF/Jewish Federation reward is being made via Cook County Crime Stoppers, which will offer $5,000 for each case for information that leads to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for the murders.  Anyone with information can call their hotline number at 1-800-535-STOP.  All calls to Cook County Crime Stoppers will remain anonymous.

Driving West Rogers Park: Chicago’s Once and Future Jewish Neighborhood

Join the Northtown Branch of the Chicago Public Library for a special film chronicling the neighborhood’s Jewish community. “Driving West Rogers Park: Chicago’s Once and Future Jewish Neighborhood,” discusses the “Golden Age” of the 1950s and ‘60s, the growing Orthodox community, and successful efforts to strengthen and preserve a robust, diverse neighborhood for future generations.

The 25-minute film will be aired on Thursday, October 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Northtown Library, 6435 N. California. Filmmaker Beverly Siegel and Howard Rieger, president of Jewish Neighborhood Development Council of Chicago, will be available for questions after the screening.

For more information, please contact the library at (312) 744-2292.

Driving West Rogers Park at the Northtown Library

Join the Northtown Branch of the Chicago Public Library for a special film chronicling the neighborhood’s Jewish community. “Driving West Rogers Park: Chicago’s Once and Future Jewish Neighborhood,” discusses the “Golden Age” of the 1950s and ‘60s, the growing Orthodox community, and successful efforts to strengthen and preserve a robust, diverse neighborhood for future generations.

The 25-minute film will be aired on Thursday, October 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Northtown Library, 6435 N. California. Filmmaker Beverly Siegel and Howard Rieger, president of Jewish Neighborhood Development Council of Chicago, will be available for questions after the screening.

For more information, please contact the library at (312) 744-2292.

Join Elisheva and I along with Susie and Michael Lorge in support of Jennifer Gong Gershowitz

As we enter the fall election season, we invite you to join us to meet
Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz , candidate for Illinois State Representative of the 17th District.

Engagement in political and social issues begins with the candidates in our community. Hear from a wonderful candidate and learn what motivates her to represent us in Springfield. The time is now to commit to the process and get people out to vote!

Hosted by
Susie & Michael Lorge and Eli & Shalom Klein

Thurs, October 11, 2018, 7:00 – 8:30 PM

At the home of the Lorge’s

8939 Karlov Ave, Skokie


Please RSVP to and let us know how many will attend with you.

Light Refreshments


No Shame On U with Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison

No Shame On U‘s 4th annual event will take place on Sunday night, October 28and will feature Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, author of An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness.  New for this year’s event, we are offering raffle tickets for a chance to win some great prizes! For tickets starting at $36sponsorships and more, please go to