Myth: Speed Networking events are for young professionals only.
Reality: Facebook was supposed to only be for college kids….right….SpeedNetworking events are showing up at major conferences and corporations such as the American Bar Association, Corporate Compliance, PepsiCo, World Presidents Organization and many others. The demographics are consistent through all age brackets.
Myth: Speed Networking events are for sales people only.
Reality: Organizations of all types have been turning to speed networking events to engage in peer to peer networking, mentoring, cross selling, team building, referral sources and many other networking formats. Fortune 500 companies have also incorporated speed networking events internally to enhance team building and much more.
Myth: You can’t build a relationship in 5 minutes.
Reality: We absolutely agree. Speed Networking events shouldn’t set the expectation you are going to meet the person that will do a deal, have the answer, give you a contact on the spot. Theseevents are meant for initiating new relationship which will need to be fostered over the short and long term to ensure a positive outcome.